Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cling Syndrome

I'm writing about something that I like to call "cling syndrome." Now, what is "cling syndrome?" I define this as the tendency for one to cling incessantly and unrelentlessly to another person. I have expressed this with someone, and I have someone expressing it with me. There's this little boy at the preschool where I work who has a lot of emotional problems. He is always getting into fights and hitting and even biting other kids. Whenever someone stops him, he starts crying and calling out for his parents.

The kid adores me. I am flattered that he likes me so much, but it gets annoying. Everywhere I go, he's always behind me. I don't think it's healthy. He's at an age where he should be playing with other little kids, but he only wants to play with me. And I need some time to play with other kids, too, because they all need me. So, this blog serves no other purpose other than for me to express myself because this is truly frustrating and I don't know what to do. I love the child, but at the same time, I'm en medias res with all of his emotions and it gets out of hand.

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